Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Mornings Project A Manifesto


Ever since I was a little girl I have loved watching people getting ready. I loved watching the transformation from being the person one presents at home, and by default to oneself, into the person we show the world. I want this project to shed light on that little ritual of transformation we all do everyday.


To show a normally secret time of day. The only ones who see us get ready and leave the house are the ones closest to us, our family, our roommates, and our partners. I am seeking to pull the veil back just a bit.


I want to focus on everyday people, mostly friends and family. These are the people I find most interesting. I would love to slowly expand to people I don’t know as well


I will come to your home/apartment/yurt at the time you normally wake up in the morning and photograph the rituals that go behind getting ready to face the world. I will be accompanied by a small questionnaire.
Everyone gets the same questions.


A group of 5-7 photos with captions, it will be updated firstly once a week, and then hopefully biweekly. The quotes will be the answers to the questionnaire